The Person Behind
The Performer


Our Approach - Changing Perceptions One Conversation at a Time:

Welcome to our sport and exercise psychology consultancy page. We provide sport psychology support within sport science teams to athletes, coaches, parents and teams. Interventions are individualised, evidence based, measurable and impact driven. Our aspirations as sport psychology consultants is to guide you to produce positive, significant, and long-term change in your life and for you to perform consistently at your highest level so that you can achieve your sporting goals.


“Physiologically equal to your opponent? How are you going to beat them mentally?.”

George Mitchell  |  Founder


Focus Perform’s Story

George studied Sport and Exercise Science with Spanish for his undergraduate degree at the University of Bangor, Wales. With this forming a basis for his understanding in the sport science world, he then went on to complete his Master’s degree at Bangor in Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology. From this, he gained accreditation in Sport Psychology through the BASES route. His sport psychology work has allowed him to gain in-depth understanding of the sport and exercise psychology world with multiple experiences in different sports, working with a variety of athletes of different ages, gender, levels and backgrounds. Not only on an individual level but with parents, coaches and organisations to help further knowledge and understanding of sport and exercise psychology. Focus Perform has been created as his Consultancy and provide a platform for information around the psychology of sport and exercise.


You can also find us on Sporting Bounce by clicking on the image below - Sporting Bounce, the number one Sport Psychology Support Directory


What does success look like for you?

George Mitchell  |  Founder

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