“The Person behind the Performer.”

“The Person behind the Performer.”

George Mitchell - Consultant

George created FocusPerform as his Consultancy and it provides a platform for information around psychology of sport and exercise. He is bilingual with Spanish being his second language and has multiple experiences in different sports, working with a variety of athletes of different ages, gender, levels and backgrounds.

Degree: MSc Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology
Accreditation: British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES)

“Perform with Confidence.”

“Perform with Confidence.”

"The only thing we leave to chance is luck, everything else we prepare for!"

"The only thing we leave to chance is luck, everything else we prepare for!"

Greg Parry - Consultant

Greg represents FocusPerform in the North of the United Kingdom. He also has his own consultation (Arcope). These companies work closely together to share best practice and offer advice to one another to guarantee bespoke and meaningful interventions.

Degree: MSc Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology
Accreditation: British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES - SE)



Jim Boyd - Consultant

A student of renowned Sports Psychologist Bill Beswick, Jim created The Pressure Zone to aid sports persons and people in other competitive fields to address and embrace pressure. Jim works closely with us here at FocusPerform and regularly consults for us. Experienced in the fields of Sportsvision, education, coaching and writing. https://www.thepressurezone.com/vision

*Affiliate:  Association for Applied Sports Psychology AASP
*Member:  International Society for  Coaching Psychology  ISCP

Sidd Sampla - Sport and Exercise Scientist (Psychology)

I am a Peformance Psychologist and have a real passion in supporting people become the best version of themselves and excel in everything that they do. I strongly believe in developing the person as well as the "athlete" through an increased understanding of self, strengths and competitive environments.

Accreditation: British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES - SE)

Contact: sidd@izoneperformance.com